Recently, you may have heard the news that the esteemed CNN news anchor, Don Lemon has "come out" and announced to the world that he is a gay or a same-gender-loving man. I congratulate him for taking this very courageous and personally liberating step. However, I am also extremely dismayed that he is being criticized for why it took him so long to do so.
Some say that Lemon came out to create buzz about the release of his new book, Transparent, and to increase book sales when his memoir is released. Others are criticizing him because he did not make a bolder public announcement. As a same-gender-loving man, I know that it is not uncommon for gay people to delay announcing to friends and family that they are gay, and perhaps with good reason! Even though America purports itself to be a democratic nation that embraces all cultures, religions, and ethnicities, regrettably, still many Americans unfairly bash President Obama, spewing out racial slurs like venomous snakes characteristic of the 60's and adamantly oppose equal rights for same-gender-loving people--specifically in regards to marriage equality. One need look no further then the fierce battlegrounds of New York City, where a heated contentious war is being waged against same-gender-loving people to prevent them from marrying the person of their own choosing.
In the past three years there has been an unprecedented number of youth and young adults committing suicide because of gay bullying. Movies and music have been saturated for decades with gay slurs, homophobic lyrics and stereotypical story lines that insult, demean and discriminate against gay people, much like blacks were portrayed in black and white films in the past.
Noted Essayist, Cleo Manago, founder and CEO of the African, American Advocacy, Support-Services & Survival Institute (AmASSI), could be named among the long list of critics, who in my opinion engaged in the recent bashing and criticizing of Lemon for not being more vocal on issues that relate to the African-American community and insinuating that the only reason Lemon was selected by CNN is because he is a fair-skinned brother whom as Manago puts it, "may possibly be in his position at CNN because he is a light-skinned, homosexual Black man who is likely seen, by Whites, as less threatening than another type of Black man."
While I do agree with Manago, that CNN has skirted around and even blatantly ignored pertinent issues that pertain to the African American community and same-gender-loving people, I do not agree with his assessment of Mr. Lemon's journalistic skills, qualifications and/or CNN's reasons for hiring Don. Don is a man of integrity. He is personable and caring, in addition to being an excellent journalist who is more than qualified to be an anchor for CNN.
Moreover, I applaud CNN for supporting Don in his decision to make his sexual preference public and I believe that they were very wise to do so! Rachel Maddow, as you know is perhaps one of the most respected and courageous same-gender-loving female journalists on television today! People all over the world regularly view her telecast and appreciate her thorough, unbiased, incisive cutting-edge style of reporting. I sincerely believe that because Don has elected to be more transparent regarding his personal life, that he is poised and primed to become one of CNN's most dynamic and most watched anchors, who will boldly seize new opportunities to address many of the issues that Mr. Manago claims are intentionally omitted by CNN.
I'd like to remind everyone involved in any type of judgmental action, that Don Lemon's private life is exactly that, "Private!" No one but God is privy to the elements, factors and reasons that motivated him to bravely announce to the world that he refuses to go on hiding this aspect of his "Private" life any longer. Furthermore, it is clear to me that he is self-assured and comfortable enough in his own skin to publicly say to the world, this is who I am! You may judge me on my professional merits and my public persona, but you may not judge me on who I choose to love!
Friday, May 20, 2011
Friday, May 6, 2011
Mother's Day and Father's Day will soon arrive but thousands of children, and young adults will miss the celebration because states like Virginia, Illinois and Arizona have recently moved to prevent same-gender-loving people from becoming foster or adoptive parents solely based on their sexual orientation and marital status. Moreover, discriminatory restrictions in other states, including Florida and Arkansas, have recently been the subject of heated ongoing legal action.
According to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, approximately 30 percent of foster youth across the nation are black. What is even more troubling to me as an African American same-gender-loving man and parent is that black youth are found in disproportionate numbers in the foster care system. These beautiful children are prevented from being placed in permanent loving homes because they are hindered by discriminatory laws that make their placement in nurturing families almost impossible. You will be amazed to discover that African American children represent only 25 percent of the children who are adopted.
I know from my research as a global author and Civil Rights Activist that an estimated 10 to 15 percent of the population in the world is same-gender-loving people and since this is true, it stands to reason that thousands of these same children are also LGBT youth as well!
Many conservatives who support these discriminatory laws publicly promote the perception (through media) that child molestation is directly linked to homosexuality, and boldly claim that this is the reason that same-gender-loving people are unfit to parent and should never be permitted to adopt. Perhaps, it's because many continue to falsely associate homosexuality exclusively with sexual behavior and thus believe children are not safe around gay men or lesbian women.
While on the train the other day, I heard two Black men talking about gay people, and one of the men stated, "They're okay; just don't bring them around my children!" But adoption experts, law enforcement agencies, and psychologists continuously declare in study after study that "A child's risk of being molested by his or her relatives' heterosexual partner is over one hundred times greater than by someone who might be identifiable as being homosexual." The study also found that out of 269 cases of child sexual abuse, only two offenders were found to be gay or lesbian, proving, that same-gender-loving people are actually less likely to molest children than heterosexual men or women. Unfortunately, these unfounded perceptions have led to widespread opposition to gay people parenting children in our society, leaving thousands if not millions of children held captive and grossly deprived from loving families in a discriminatory foster care system.
As conservative politicians flex their political muscle in Congress and in the Senate, thinking nothing of disregarding the needs of the poor and disenfranchised by attempting to eliminate Medicare and other much needed social services; the question begs to be asked, "Who is going to care for and support these children?" I won't even attempt to even estimate the staggering cost of caring for these children because I already know it is costing taxpayers multiple millions!
The National Black Justice Coalition recently pricked the consciences and hearts of millions all over the world by reminding us that there are already one million LGBT parents raising two million children in our country today and this number is growing! According to analysis of the 2010 Census data, a sizable number of these parents are African American and Latino, and they are raising their children to love their country, respect their neighbors, worship a loving God, and positively contribute to their communities.
Thank God that in addition to the National Black Justice Coalition's ongoing mission to combat discrimination in our country; Congressman Pete Stark (D-CA) is also committed to do the same! Recently, he re-introduced legislation known as "The Every Child Deserves a Family Act." This legislation if successfully passed would expand the number of qualified foster and adoptive parents for youth in the foster care system by banning all discrimination based on sexual orientation, gender identity and marital status. Subsequently, this would open up hundreds if not thousands of new homes to youth who desperately need placement.
Furthermore, I was alarmed when I was made aware of these additional staggering statistics revealed by Jody M. Huckaby, executive director of PFLAG National: "There are more than 500,000 children currently in the foster care system. While 120,000 of them are available for adoption every year, 25,000 of these youth will 'age out' of the system without ever finding loving families to call their own (and many LGBT youth will remain homeless). Tragically, more and more states' laws and practices are creating barriers for these children from accessing permanent homes. This legislation would remedy that problem."
Last year, I was invited to Chicago Illinois on my birthday by several organizations. One of the organizations who sponsored and organized the book signing event called UCAN is responsible for placing children and LGBTQ young adults age 18 -- 24 in homes in Chicago, Illinois. My life was profoundly altered by meeting them! And I am now committed to aiding UCAN in their mission of placing these deserving souls in loving homes. There are no words that could express how impacted I was as I gazed into the eyes of these young adults while reading excerpts from my book. I secretly vowed to myself and to God that I would do everything within my power to ensure that every one of them was placed in loving homes with parents who could rear them and nurture them the way God intended for all children and young adults to be nurtured.
Just remember that when you phone your local restaurant this weekend to make dinner reservations for you and your mother in preparation to celebrate Mother's day that there are millions of children and young adults who do not have the same privilege. They will miss out on the joy of heading to the mall to secretly purchase that special Mother's Day gift, and they will be denied the opportunity to present their fathers in June on Father's day with a gift as well! And while this gift giving ritual may seem insignificant to some, these precious moments, bless the lives of youth and young adults. Because as they gaze into the approving eyes of parents they find validation, empowerment, and they come to the realization that they are truly loved!
In the upcoming months, when it's time to vote on legislation like "The Every Child Deserves a Family Act," I challenge you to recall how wonderful it felt to have a nurturing mother and/or father and the magical feeling of security that you felt in their loving care. Don't buy into the homophobia, misinformation and discrimination spewed out by misguided conservative politicians and religious leaders, bent on depriving same-gender-loving people from enjoying their legitimate Constitutional rights, while condemning thousands of children in the Foster Care System to a life of missed opportunity, tragic abandonment, and unnecessary homelessness.
by Angel Mason, Global Author

Audio Excerpt from Love Won't Let Me Be Silent, entitled,
Sunday, April 24, 2011
Baltimore, Maryland Transgendered Woman Almost Killed While Apathetic and Insensitive Crew Members Encourage Assailants
Welcome to McDonald’s, Where Violence and Homophobia are More Popular Than the Big Mac!
(Baltimore, Maryland Transgendered Woman Almost Killed While Apathetic and Insensitive Crew Members Encourage Assailants)
McDonald’s has finally reached the ultimate pinnacle in their quest to provide the perfect family dining experience. They now offer you dinner theatre with their mouthwatering Big Macs, delicious fries, Filet Fish sandwiches, Value Meals and Fruit Smoothies. Now, customers can watch murderous homophobic female thugs, as they attempt to kill members of the LGBT community, while Management and crew members cheer them on and video tape horrific violent assaults to later post on YOUTUBE, FACEBOOK and other HIP HOP Social networks.
Sound unbelievable??? Well, that is exactly what happened on a chilling Baltimore evening at around 8 p.m., inside a McDonald's restaurant in the 6300 block of Kenwood Avenue. What fueled the incident was when a Transgendered woman made her way toward the women’s restroom to use the facility. The victim first asked one of the McDonald crew members if she could use the restroom and was told that she had to purchase some food in order to use the facility. She responded by saying that she really had to go right away and could not wait. According to the woman, while walking toward the restroom an unidentified man apparently approached her, possibly one of the girl’s boyfriends, in an attempt to flirt with her, but the woman declined his offer and immediately went into the restroom. When she came out two African-American females, 14 and 18 spat in her face and began arguing with her, expressing their objection to the woman using the bathroom and one of the women accused her of flirting with her boyfriend. The argument escalated into what has become one of the most violent attacks ever viewed on the internet. As a matter of fact, immediately after the video was uploaded to several popular social networks, it went viral!
When I first learned of this incident, I was warned that the video is extremely violent and graphically disturbing, but never in my wildest dreams, could I have ever imagined just how horrific and disgusting it would be to watch! All through the video, I was overwhelmed by a variety of emotions. All the while, cringing in disbelief and thinking to myself, “This cannot be happening and why isn’t anyone making any real attempt to stop this violent attack, phone the police; and my God, where is the manager?” And then out of nowhere, after several minutes which seemed like hours of brutal beating, an elderly woman dressed in white like an angelic emissary appears on the scene to rescue the woman in distress. Even though, it is clear that she is no match for the two younger women attacking the victim, she literally places her life in jeopardy, in a courageous attempt to defuse the situation and ward off the attackers. While her efforts were not completely successful (because the assailants later returned to beat the woman even more viciously), still her intervention delayed the attackers and may possibly have saved the woman’s life.
Now, you are probably wondering, like me, where was the staff and where was the manager? That’s an easy question to answer; the manager is making a half- hearted attempt to stop the fight while others can be heard in the background, peering through video phone camera lenses, boasting about how they are going to put the video on YOUTUBE and other social networks. The Manager on duty made an insincere attempt to intervene only after the badly beaten victim was viciously dragged by the hair to the front door by the young female thugs who seemed intent upon murder. After a sustained barrage of brutal kicks to the head, the victim began convulsing; bleeding from the mouth, all of which was followed by a violent seizure.
Moreover, while this occurred, the crew was gleefully cheering the thugs on while videotaping it, never making a genuine attempt to defuse the attack and/or phone the police. Instead of the manager locking the door and retaining the two women who had attacked the victim until the police could arrive, the employees encouraged them to flee for their own protection and the manager walked over the victim’s body lying in the doorway (as he can be seen doing throughout the video) like she was a piece of trash that was totally unworthy of any type of assistance.
When Baltimore County officers finally arrived, they found a 22-year-old woman convulsing and having seizures. She was still lying in the doorway of the restaurant. After the woman had recovered to some degree, the officers questioned the woman and apparently ran a make on the woman to determine if she had a criminal history. Their inquiry revealed that the victim had a lengthy rap sheet, which of course had nothing at all to do with the incident or the fact that she had been undeservedly almost beaten to death by vicious attackers. The victim’s criminal history and even home address were made public after the unmerciful beating, further jeopardizing the woman’s safety and adding to the emotional duress, physical and mental trauma caused by her assailants.
Thursday, April 14, 2011
Out of the Abundance of the Heart the Mouth Speaks!
(A Tree is Known by the Fruit it Bears)
43 For there is no good tree that bringeth forth corrupt fruit; nor again a corrupt tree that bringeth forth good fruit. 44 For each tree is known by its own fruit. For of thorns men do not gather figs, nor of a bramble bush gather they grapes. 45 The good man out of the good treasure of his heart bringeth forth that which is good; and the evil man out of the evil treasure bringeth forth that which is evil: for out of the abundance of the heart his mouth speaketh. (Luke 6:43-45 ASV).
For years I have been a Laker fan. I've attended Laker parades, purchased Laker gear, attended countless Laker games and can be found glued to the television as they play out of town games that I can not personally attend. Days on end I can be seen proudly wearing my favorite Laker hat and my purple and gold, like it is a ritual. Even while traveling last summer to the Big Apple (NY, NY) I engaged in countless conversations on and off airplanes and trains about my Lakers! I can't even articulate how wonderful it is to travel all over the country doing book signings, only to arrive in a new city to see them selling Laker gear like it is going out of style.
However, Tuesday night was the first time in my life that I felt embarrassed to even be called a diehard Laker fan. I have seen my Lakers lose games and still I believed in them and supported them, in spite of what anyone had to say, but I must tell you that it broke my heart (as a same-gender-loving black man) not to receive the same support and respect back. Yes, I know that many of you will say, "He's just over reacting and blowing an unintentional comment, verbalized in the heat of frustration and anger out of proportion. Besides, it's not really all that serious!" But the truth of the matter is that it is very serious! As a matter of fact, on a scale of 1 to 10 it's a 50!
Whenever someone who is as highly respected and admired like Kobe Bryant, loses control at a nationally televised NBA Game and calls an NBA Referee, a F@#KIng Faggot, that's nothing to sneer at! Of course Kobe claims that it was out of "frustration, pure frustration" after being slapped with his 15th technical of the season. This may be true, but it is also true that millions of young men and women look up to Kobe, worship the ground he walks on, and incessantly dream of one day being just like him.
Yes, I agree that Kobe was indeed angry, so he reached into his arsenal of words and found the most derogatory, demeaning term and hurled it at the Referee with the intention of doing the most emotional and psychological damage to the man that he could. No one can convince me that if he didn't think gays were the scum of the earth that he would not have purposely selected this word. As stated previously, he merely expressed what he really feels at the core of his being and reached into his arsenal of weapons with the full intent to annihilate the man in the worst way possible verbally - striking back like a foolish child throwing a temper tantrum.
Now, just so you don't think I'm being too hard on Kobe, I know firsthand what it means to be in the public's eye and constantly scrutinized and I know what it is to be revered by thousands of people all over the world and have to live up to a glorified image and inflated expectations. But in times of frustration, I don't resort to calling people names or using derogatory slurs because I am infuriated. The reason that I don't do these things is not because I possess some type of supernatural control over my emotions, but because these things are not in my heart! Intense anger has a way of exposing what has been intentionally or unintentionally embedded in our hearts. Contrary to popular opinion, anger is not necessarily a bad emotion when bridled and tempered by self-control. But anger can be a double-edged sword betraying us and exposing ideas and prejudices deeply rooted in our hearts and minds. In one ungarded moment, the heart can bypass the mind and express itself, revealing its true content when tested by the refining fires of life.
Kobe has already gone out of his way to apologize and demonstrate his deep remorse for having acted so stupidly and I applaud him for doing so, but I also would like to recommend that he allow the purifying light of God's love and truth to flush out what has been implanted in his being which has been secretly defiling him and the multitudes for decades.
The gay community has been desperately striving to make us comprehend for years that "LIFE AND DEATH IS IN THE POWER OF THE TONGUE!" Here is one of the greatest wisdom principles that one could ever learn, and that is "WORDS CAN CREATE AND DESTROY!" What we contemplate and think upon constantly is a form of meditation (with unlimited ability to shape our thinking) that is why rap music is so powerful! Eventually that which we think upon for an extended period of time shapes our thinking and behavior. One of the greatest spiritual truths of all time is "THOUGHTS ARE THINGS AND WORDS HAVE POWER!" Moreover, thoughts and behavior reveal what is truly in our hearts and minds long before we begin to speak it!
I believe that in some ways, Kobe is a victim himself and didn't fully realize it until this unfortunate incident occurred. You must realize that it has only become distasteful and unacceptable to use terms against gays in the last two or three years. For years, well known rappers spewed out homophobic slurs as often as it rains in Seattle. Consquently, it was acceptable to do so because if a man was gay, he was considered to be the scum of the earth. Furthermore, though many rap artists have toned it down fearing the wrath of organizations like HRC and GLAAD, they have done nothing to undo the damage in the hearts and minds of millions of fans influenced negatively for years who now view gays, lesbians and transgender people as people who are worthless, demented, incomplete and/or distorted.
This prevailing attitude is not only something that plagues African countries like Uganda but is also expressed in America's overt refusal to grant same-gender-loving people equal rights. It is clear that the people living in the hood aren't the only ones brainwashed by relentless subliminal homophobic hate messages which cause our young people to commit suicide at an alarming rate, and tempts conservative religious extremists with ideas of reinstating Jim Crow laws under the guise of "reclaiming their country from a supposed incompetent Black leader."
And the comments! The comments are so offensive until it sickens me at the core of my being to even know that people think hating anyone is okay. Just listen to the comments posted on the Lakers' BlogSpot, YOUTUBE and in the Los Angeles Times.
Comments like:
"Don't apologize, Kobe. You've explained yourself. That's enough. What do we play for? RINGS!!! Lakers Today... Lakers Tomorrow... Lakers Forever! GO LAKERS!!!"
"I don't think this should be an issue that generate much money for the nba...its just an expression that wasn't directed to anybody...which should have not been given attention...these gays/lesbians have just been so pampered when in fact they are not very sensitive to the society as a whole...has the media been attentive to these gays/lesbians when they attack personally the pope, the clergy when these persons are morally upright than them..."
"Ha ha ha .. that was really funny, the gays are so hurt, poor gays... their feeling are truly hurt"
"Kobe, do not try to appease the homosexual community by being in one of their sick sodomy celebrating parades and don't allow them to extort money from you. Society is supporting you against these ...whiners."
"...and fags are offended as always, crybabies, and then they wonder why nobody likes them!"
When I read these comments, I realized just how very far we as Americans still have to go to reach The Promised Land of Equality. Every day, I personally see young Blacks and Hispanics being verbally and physically abused by people who just don't give a damn! And I think to myself, if Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. were still on the planet, he would be grieved tremendously to see us treating one another with no regard for human life and no regard for our children's future or well-being. But then again, it's clear from the majority of comments that I read that it's perfectly okay to do it to them because we hate them anyway. The real truth of the matter is that we all have brothers, sisters, cousins, nieces, nephews, uncles, aunts, step-children, husbands, wives, friends and lovers who are gay, lesbian, bisexual or transgender. We may not know it, but it is a true fact! And suffice it to say, that the Lakers have more gay fans than they could ever imagine who regularly purchase season tickets, show up at parades and proudly wear and display their Lakers' gear without any reservation. It's just too bad that many of these people will be murdered, ruthlessly persecuted and beaten beyond recognition by peers simply because they are gay!
Even though maniacs and misguided people and diehard Laker fans want to blatantly overlook Kobe's foolish mistake, because after all "it didn't really hurt anybody or endanger anyone" - which is what many will be inclined to think and say. Statistics prove otherwise, or didn't you note the epidemic of suicides among gay and lesbian children and young adults this year and the year before? And of course it had nothing to do what the fact that stars, rappers and athletes in a fit of anger slipped and called someone a "F#@*king FAGGOT!" The only problem is that you will never be able to convince the mother, father and grandparents of that gay child who has been abused or even heartlessly murdered that these mishaps were harmless and inconsequential! There is, however; one statement written among the numerous comments that appropriately expresses a truth that I think all Americans need to read and consider upon which I will conclude.
"This is a sad day for Kobe, for the Lakers, and for the NBA. That he came out, in a moment in anger with such a nasty slur, it means that deep inside he holds a deep seated homophobic hatred. If the Ref or another player would have called Kobe the infamous politically incorrect 'N' word' - wow, would Kobe have been angry! Kobe should be penalized more heavily for this. He should be suspended for at least one game. We have too many big shot athletic 'heroes' who are continually giving the wrong message to their fans, especially young people. It has to stop somewhere...whether it is using verbal insults or shooting up steroids, there are major morality issues we collectively must face. I am a big Lakers fan and still love Kobe Bryant. Howver, after this outrageous remark, he is just as guilty as the Barry Bonds and A-Rods who abuse their position, their salaries, and place in society."
Who knows, perhaps Kobe can donate the $100,000 fine he was forced to pay to the families of all the innocent same-gender loving people (that supported the Lakers for years) who have been beaten to death by homophobic abusers to defray the cost of funeral expenses!
by Terry Angel Mason
For years I have been a Laker fan. I've attended Laker parades, purchased Laker gear, attended countless Laker games and can be found glued to the television as they play out of town games that I can not personally attend. Days on end I can be seen proudly wearing my favorite Laker hat and my purple and gold, like it is a ritual. Even while traveling last summer to the Big Apple (NY, NY) I engaged in countless conversations on and off airplanes and trains about my Lakers! I can't even articulate how wonderful it is to travel all over the country doing book signings, only to arrive in a new city to see them selling Laker gear like it is going out of style.
However, Tuesday night was the first time in my life that I felt embarrassed to even be called a diehard Laker fan. I have seen my Lakers lose games and still I believed in them and supported them, in spite of what anyone had to say, but I must tell you that it broke my heart (as a same-gender-loving black man) not to receive the same support and respect back. Yes, I know that many of you will say, "He's just over reacting and blowing an unintentional comment, verbalized in the heat of frustration and anger out of proportion. Besides, it's not really all that serious!" But the truth of the matter is that it is very serious! As a matter of fact, on a scale of 1 to 10 it's a 50!
Whenever someone who is as highly respected and admired like Kobe Bryant, loses control at a nationally televised NBA Game and calls an NBA Referee, a F@#KIng Faggot, that's nothing to sneer at! Of course Kobe claims that it was out of "frustration, pure frustration" after being slapped with his 15th technical of the season. This may be true, but it is also true that millions of young men and women look up to Kobe, worship the ground he walks on, and incessantly dream of one day being just like him.
Yes, I agree that Kobe was indeed angry, so he reached into his arsenal of words and found the most derogatory, demeaning term and hurled it at the Referee with the intention of doing the most emotional and psychological damage to the man that he could. No one can convince me that if he didn't think gays were the scum of the earth that he would not have purposely selected this word. As stated previously, he merely expressed what he really feels at the core of his being and reached into his arsenal of weapons with the full intent to annihilate the man in the worst way possible verbally - striking back like a foolish child throwing a temper tantrum.
Now, just so you don't think I'm being too hard on Kobe, I know firsthand what it means to be in the public's eye and constantly scrutinized and I know what it is to be revered by thousands of people all over the world and have to live up to a glorified image and inflated expectations. But in times of frustration, I don't resort to calling people names or using derogatory slurs because I am infuriated. The reason that I don't do these things is not because I possess some type of supernatural control over my emotions, but because these things are not in my heart! Intense anger has a way of exposing what has been intentionally or unintentionally embedded in our hearts. Contrary to popular opinion, anger is not necessarily a bad emotion when bridled and tempered by self-control. But anger can be a double-edged sword betraying us and exposing ideas and prejudices deeply rooted in our hearts and minds. In one ungarded moment, the heart can bypass the mind and express itself, revealing its true content when tested by the refining fires of life.
Kobe has already gone out of his way to apologize and demonstrate his deep remorse for having acted so stupidly and I applaud him for doing so, but I also would like to recommend that he allow the purifying light of God's love and truth to flush out what has been implanted in his being which has been secretly defiling him and the multitudes for decades.
The gay community has been desperately striving to make us comprehend for years that "LIFE AND DEATH IS IN THE POWER OF THE TONGUE!" Here is one of the greatest wisdom principles that one could ever learn, and that is "WORDS CAN CREATE AND DESTROY!" What we contemplate and think upon constantly is a form of meditation (with unlimited ability to shape our thinking) that is why rap music is so powerful! Eventually that which we think upon for an extended period of time shapes our thinking and behavior. One of the greatest spiritual truths of all time is "THOUGHTS ARE THINGS AND WORDS HAVE POWER!" Moreover, thoughts and behavior reveal what is truly in our hearts and minds long before we begin to speak it!
I believe that in some ways, Kobe is a victim himself and didn't fully realize it until this unfortunate incident occurred. You must realize that it has only become distasteful and unacceptable to use terms against gays in the last two or three years. For years, well known rappers spewed out homophobic slurs as often as it rains in Seattle. Consquently, it was acceptable to do so because if a man was gay, he was considered to be the scum of the earth. Furthermore, though many rap artists have toned it down fearing the wrath of organizations like HRC and GLAAD, they have done nothing to undo the damage in the hearts and minds of millions of fans influenced negatively for years who now view gays, lesbians and transgender people as people who are worthless, demented, incomplete and/or distorted.
This prevailing attitude is not only something that plagues African countries like Uganda but is also expressed in America's overt refusal to grant same-gender-loving people equal rights. It is clear that the people living in the hood aren't the only ones brainwashed by relentless subliminal homophobic hate messages which cause our young people to commit suicide at an alarming rate, and tempts conservative religious extremists with ideas of reinstating Jim Crow laws under the guise of "reclaiming their country from a supposed incompetent Black leader."
And the comments! The comments are so offensive until it sickens me at the core of my being to even know that people think hating anyone is okay. Just listen to the comments posted on the Lakers' BlogSpot, YOUTUBE and in the Los Angeles Times.
Comments like:
"Don't apologize, Kobe. You've explained yourself. That's enough. What do we play for? RINGS!!! Lakers Today... Lakers Tomorrow... Lakers Forever! GO LAKERS!!!"
"I don't think this should be an issue that generate much money for the nba...its just an expression that wasn't directed to anybody...which should have not been given attention...these gays/lesbians have just been so pampered when in fact they are not very sensitive to the society as a whole...has the media been attentive to these gays/lesbians when they attack personally the pope, the clergy when these persons are morally upright than them..."
"Ha ha ha .. that was really funny, the gays are so hurt, poor gays... their feeling are truly hurt"
"Kobe, do not try to appease the homosexual community by being in one of their sick sodomy celebrating parades and don't allow them to extort money from you. Society is supporting you against these ...whiners."
"...and fags are offended as always, crybabies, and then they wonder why nobody likes them!"
When I read these comments, I realized just how very far we as Americans still have to go to reach The Promised Land of Equality. Every day, I personally see young Blacks and Hispanics being verbally and physically abused by people who just don't give a damn! And I think to myself, if Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. were still on the planet, he would be grieved tremendously to see us treating one another with no regard for human life and no regard for our children's future or well-being. But then again, it's clear from the majority of comments that I read that it's perfectly okay to do it to them because we hate them anyway. The real truth of the matter is that we all have brothers, sisters, cousins, nieces, nephews, uncles, aunts, step-children, husbands, wives, friends and lovers who are gay, lesbian, bisexual or transgender. We may not know it, but it is a true fact! And suffice it to say, that the Lakers have more gay fans than they could ever imagine who regularly purchase season tickets, show up at parades and proudly wear and display their Lakers' gear without any reservation. It's just too bad that many of these people will be murdered, ruthlessly persecuted and beaten beyond recognition by peers simply because they are gay!
Even though maniacs and misguided people and diehard Laker fans want to blatantly overlook Kobe's foolish mistake, because after all "it didn't really hurt anybody or endanger anyone" - which is what many will be inclined to think and say. Statistics prove otherwise, or didn't you note the epidemic of suicides among gay and lesbian children and young adults this year and the year before? And of course it had nothing to do what the fact that stars, rappers and athletes in a fit of anger slipped and called someone a "F#@*king FAGGOT!" The only problem is that you will never be able to convince the mother, father and grandparents of that gay child who has been abused or even heartlessly murdered that these mishaps were harmless and inconsequential! There is, however; one statement written among the numerous comments that appropriately expresses a truth that I think all Americans need to read and consider upon which I will conclude.
"This is a sad day for Kobe, for the Lakers, and for the NBA. That he came out, in a moment in anger with such a nasty slur, it means that deep inside he holds a deep seated homophobic hatred. If the Ref or another player would have called Kobe the infamous politically incorrect 'N' word' - wow, would Kobe have been angry! Kobe should be penalized more heavily for this. He should be suspended for at least one game. We have too many big shot athletic 'heroes' who are continually giving the wrong message to their fans, especially young people. It has to stop somewhere...whether it is using verbal insults or shooting up steroids, there are major morality issues we collectively must face. I am a big Lakers fan and still love Kobe Bryant. Howver, after this outrageous remark, he is just as guilty as the Barry Bonds and A-Rods who abuse their position, their salaries, and place in society."
Who knows, perhaps Kobe can donate the $100,000 fine he was forced to pay to the families of all the innocent same-gender loving people (that supported the Lakers for years) who have been beaten to death by homophobic abusers to defray the cost of funeral expenses!
by Terry Angel Mason
Saturday, April 9, 2011

This morning after dragging myself out of bed, I stumbled into my living room and sat down in front of my computer in order to check my email. After wiping the sleep from my eyes, I was shocked when I read an email from and disclosing the fact that DeJuaii Pace (a renowned gospel singer, a member of the famous Pace Sisters) had just announced to the entire world that she is a lesbian and has been suppressing her natural inclinations since the age of four. The article also mentioned the fact that she would be telling her story of how she had overcome her food addiction and had come to terms with her sexuality this Tuesday on the OWN Network (owned and operated by Oprah Winfrey).
As I finished reading the article, I immediately scrolled down to the comment section of the article (s) to get some type of idea as to what other reader's reactions would be, regarding DeJuaii's disclosure. I have to tell you that after reading several of the comments, my heart literally sunk into the pit of my stomach, due to the fact that the comments were filled with so much hatred and homophobic venom. The comments were so extreme until it made me ashamed to even refer to myself as a Christian! Nothing that anyone had to say even mirrored anything that looked, acted or sounded like the love of God! And the most offensive thing of all was that they did it in the name of Jesus, and felt justified in doing so! Anyone who knows anything about Christianity or the Bible will tell you that love is kind, patient, forgiving, not boastful, never arrogant, edifies and never destroys!
DeJuaii, like thousands of African-American children, grew up in a Pentecostal, holiness environment and any notion of even sleeping with a man before wedlock was completely out of the question and frowned upon by the Church in every way. If a young woman would come up pregnant, she would immediately be ostracized from the church and/or prohibited from participating in any aspect of ministry until she had come before the entire congregation to repent and ask forgiveness, before she could be reinstated. Instead of DeJuaii, yielding to the temptation of sleeping with a male or a female (like most contemporary Christians do) she did something that most of us could never fathom, and that was to remain sexually inactive. Even today, at the age of 45, she is still a virgin.

Tonex, now known as B. Slade was also publically and ruthlessly attacked by his gospel peers, (and so-called brothers and sisters in Christ) after disclosing that he was a same-gender-loving Christian man. Almost immediately, other gospel artists (who had claimed to be die-hard friends and fans) began to venomously slander him and quickly distanced themselves from him. Furthermore, they could even be heard in public arenas referring to him as a pervert, sexual vampire and heretic!
Thursday, March 24, 2011
(But first we've got to get our own house in order!)
The U.S. declaration will be made Tuesday at the Geneva-based Human Rights Council and has the support of more than 80 countries. Although it is not in the form of binding resolution, the American push for U.N. action has helped win over a handful of new countries to the cause. A resolution could be brought to a vote later this year. The issue of gay rights has polarized nations at the U.N. for years. And despite growing acceptance for homosexuality in Western nations and parts of Latin America, lawyers and human rights activists say there is still a gap in human rights treaties for the protection of gays against discrimination and mistreatment.
"We are very concerned that individuals continue to be killed, arrested and harassed around the world because of their sexual orientation or gender identity," said Suzanne Nossel, Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for International Organizations. "This statement sends a strong message from across the globe that such abuses should not be tolerated." Again, I can only applaud the Obama administration for championing equal rights for all same-gender-loving people across the globe, especially in view of the recently proposed gay genocide in Uganda.
Wednesday, March 23, 2011
Angel Mason is one of America's most talked about civil rights activists and HIV advocates. He is an extraordinary poet and writer who is known for his breakthrough revolutionary book, Love Won't Let Me Be Silent, which is becoming a testament for many gays and lesbians struggling with their sexuality and the need to come out to their family and friends. What started out as a self-published nonfiction book has now become a literary phenomenon consistently earning him numerous literary nominations; while at the same time, gaining a place of reverence in the hearts and minds of millions of readers—both men and women worldwide.
Don't Blame Me For Your Mess!
By Angel Mason on March 15, 2011
Most of my life, I have served in worship centers across America in one capacity or another, and I can tell you that what has eroded heterosexual marriages has nothing to do with a secret gay agenda and/or conspiracy spearheaded by evil men and women dressed in rainbow-hooded robes like the Ku Klux Klan in the '50 and '60s. I have decided to remain in the ranks, unlike many same-gender-loving men and women who have left the church because of crazy statements like these (heralded from pulpits across America) and attitudes that demean and demoralize them as individuals. So I know first-hand that the reason Bishop so-and-so and Prophetess so-and-so got divorced had absolutely nothing to do with my attraction to another man. I didn't live in their house! I did not attend their lavish wedding! I certainly didn't secretly carry on an illicit sexual affair behind the scenes with either of them. And I was not the confidant they confided in when things began to crumble in their marriages and the erotic flame burned out in their sex lives. Nor was I the person they sought when they made their decision to marry and needed marriage counseling, although after observing the horrific aftermath of their failed marriage, perhaps I should have been!
Melissa Etheridge made a profound statement when she questioned the U.S. government's right to extract taxes from her (a hard-working same-gender-loving U.S. Citizen), yet deny her the right to marry the person she loves. Well, this is not something that is new to me as an African-American. For years, this same so-called Democratic government has denied people of color across this great nation their equal rights, all the while working them to death to build their mansions, work on their plantations, prosper their businesses by stealing their inventions and creative ideas, and pad their financial portfolios. Then one day, a Black man by the name of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., from Atlanta, Georgia, got fed up and said "Enough"!!! Dr. King radically galvanized a generation in a time when everything was against them! People took to the streets with signs in hand - much like the LGBT community has done and began to demand what is due them as law-abiding, tax-paying citizens.
It was not an easy battle, change never is! This is something I learned as a Black youth growing up in Southeast Los Angeles. During this very era, many were left bleeding and decapitated as their dead bodies were left swinging from trees side to side, blown by the winds of hatred and discrimination, the result of being horribly disfigured and murdered. Some were maimed, having lost limbs like legs or arms and mothers kicked in the stomach - never again able to bear children after brutal beatings. But something in them kept them from turning back, even in the face of insurmountable odds. They persevered in their struggle until all Americans could enjoy the freedom of which this country proudly boasts.
So no, I won't shut up or go quietly into the night and stop protesting just because certain conservative Evangelical pastors and redneck politicians threaten to withdraw their support from the President of the United States (Barack Obama) in future elections. I appreciate the fact that Obama is working diligently behind the scenes to ensure that one day, I can walk down the aisle in the state that I live in and say "I do" to the man I love; and be able to avail myself to the same healthcare benefits and federal benefits and provisions that heterosexuals who enter a similar union are afforded.
I have one question to ask, especially to the so-called defenders of Civil Rights in the African-American community: What if during the Civil Rights Era, some misguided soul who headed a powerful political organization or government had the gall to stand up and say, "I think that equal rights for African-Americans should come second to preserving the cherished social institution of inequality and discrimination?!" Oops! Well, someone actually did say something similar to that! Governor George Wallace made numerous outlandish statements that were so crazy, until if I shared them with you now it literally would make the hair stand up on the back of your neck. And here is the knock-out punch: When he made these outlandish statements, millions of white Americans across the country cheered him and supported his backward discriminatory way of thinking, the same way many do when spiritual leaders mount the pulpit and bash gay people. Had it not been for President Kennedy intervening by appointing his brother, Robert, as Attorney General to deal with these issues, something that may have ultimately cost him his life, the Civil Rights Movement's stunning achievements may have been stymied and hindered, for who knows how long! Moreover, countless more innocent African-Americans would have been beaten and killed in public view, all to preserve the status quo.
Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Where Have I Been All Your Life?
Is the Question You Asked Me!
I could not come into your life until you had finally realized that true love and sexual expression are two totally different things.
I could not come into your life until you were anchored in wisdom and in truth and could truly discern what true love is.
I could not come into your life or be the fulfillment of your dreams until the seductions of life had lost their appeal and the realization of what true relationship is had exploded in your mind.
I could not come into your life until you were willing to walk miles if you had to in your bare feet to find me, sacrifice the most expensive thing you own because now you realized that no material thing alone will ever fulfill you without love being present in your life.
I could not come until you were absolutely sure who you were and knew beyond a shadow of a doubt that when God made you, you were not a mistake or an accident and that there is no flaw in any of His Creations because, "God doeth all things well."
It wasn't that He was unwilling to answer or give me the true desire of my heart (and that was someone like you) but I too had to evolve to a place of readiness before my gift could manifest -- before you could walk into my life. It is true, I longed for your love all my life and prayed for you fervently more times than you could ever know, bombarding heaven with my request so many times until it is surprising that the Angels did not put me out of God's throne room!
There were seemingly endless days that I thought I would not last because I needed you so and you were nowhere to be found; so I allowed myself to be only partially fulfilled by others with selfish motives because I longed for the touch of a human hand and the need for intimacy was so strong.
There are so many, "I'm sorry God for not listening, not waiting, not being still and running ahead because of my impatience," I want to say to Him!
When I fell at His feet out of guilt and condemnation for my stupid mistakes and unwillingness to wait, He lifted me and beside Him you were standing.
When I fell at His feet out of guilt and condemnation for my stupid mistakes and unwillingness to wait, He lifted me and beside Him you were standing.
When I saw you, I thought "Who is this? Why is he standing there? And then you spoke (while He said nothing, only with a smile of approval on His face) and the sound of your voice resonated in my spirit like a melody heard years ago, a song I was certain I had sung before, but not really.
When I thought about what I was hearing I realized that I had heard the melody years ago in a dream as a child and every since then I have searched the whole world over, year after year trying to find the written music but never could, only generic versions.
When I thought about what I was hearing I realized that I had heard the melody years ago in a dream as a child and every since then I have searched the whole world over, year after year trying to find the written music but never could, only generic versions.
Now the melody rings in my ear as a confirmation to my heart and I am afraid that perhaps I have made too many mistakes, wondered too far away from the dream, am no longer worthy to receive it, though I desire it so!
The Lord would say to me "All are worthy!" But though He has forgiven me still my heart weeps because now I am ready, my mind is mature but I must know that the one who loves me back truly loves me because perfect love and only perfect love can cast out fear.
I need to know that the person in whose eyes I peer into will see that inside of this resilient man is a childlike spirit, beautiful and untainted by life who still dreams, still is fascinated with the beauty of creation, is in love with the Gentle Savior, ambitious, creative, yet admittedly a little weary of life!
Now time is fleeing from me, and fleeing from you (even though you may not be aware) like an hour glass now empty, not because we have done anything wrong, but because God has a divine plan for all of humanity that must unfold in order to restore His creation to its former state of perfection.
No more time for you or I to waste searching, hoping dreaming, looking, waiting...
Sunday, February 20, 2011
Now that you are no longer imprisoned behind walls of concrete and cold steel, now that you are no longer confined within a small squalid cell, now that you no longer live under the constant threat of murderous inmate violence and lockdowns, and no longer have to survive and subsist on bad tasting prison food, what will you do? Now that you have been granted the privilege of rejoining society and once more able to savor the sweet heady nectar of freedom, all we want to know is, will you keep The Promise of Love you made to us?
The Promise of Love was the vow you made to us when you promised to turn from your former self-destructive ways. You promised to renounce them, reject them and repudiate them for the rest of your life! You made this promise to us because you said you loved us and truly cared for us. You vowed to cause us no further pain and disappointment, and that you would prove worthy of our trust. You pledged this Promise of Love to us, whom you said were the most important people in your life. This group encompasses God, family, friends, lovers, spouses, life partners and any others who entered into a emotionally intimate relationship with you. So now that you are free, we ask you, we challenge you, and without any remorse or shame, we beseech you to redeem this Promise of Love you made to us.
Because if you do, you will gain a world complete and replete with love, opportunity, and wonder. Conversely, if you fail to keep your Promise of Love, not only will you surely return to prison, but you run the real risk of ruining and terminating many of the supportive loving relationships of which you have been richly blessed!
Firstly, never forget for one moment that you, indeed, have truly been richly blessed...especially by God! God was the one who watched over you during your incarceration. He was the one who protected you from hurt, harm, and danger. God dried your tears, calmed your fears, assuaged your myriad insecurities, and gave you favor from the people whose benevolence you needed the most. God was there in your darkest moments of loneliness and doubt and demonstrated to you such unconditional love that you pledged to Him first, your Promise of Love. Of all the important relationships you possess in this life, treasure this one the most! NEVER take this one for granted because just as God granted you your freedom again, He can surely take it away! For was it not declared in the Bible that "the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom." So we urge you to be wise and keep your Promise of Love that you made to Him.
Secondly, keep your Promise of Love to your friends, family, and loved ones. They have suffered much from your incarceration. They have been deprived of your presence, your hugs, your kisses, your loving embraces, and financial support. Because of you, they have been locked into emotional prisons of their own. When the steel doors closed upon you, so did their sentence of pain and emotional confinement begin. They could have easily mitigated their own hurt by denouncing and renouncing you. And some probably did, but the ones who did not, were the ones who truly loved you. They knew that to continue to love you would subject them to much pain, hurt, emotional and financial sacrifice. But they did not shirk nor shrink from this onerous task because they truly loved you and true love is made perfect through self-sacrifice. Make sure you are worthy of their sacrifice. Keep your Promise of Love to them!

The Promise of Love was the vow you made to us when you promised to turn from your former self-destructive ways. You promised to renounce them, reject them and repudiate them for the rest of your life! You made this promise to us because you said you loved us and truly cared for us. You vowed to cause us no further pain and disappointment, and that you would prove worthy of our trust. You pledged this Promise of Love to us, whom you said were the most important people in your life. This group encompasses God, family, friends, lovers, spouses, life partners and any others who entered into a emotionally intimate relationship with you. So now that you are free, we ask you, we challenge you, and without any remorse or shame, we beseech you to redeem this Promise of Love you made to us.
Because if you do, you will gain a world complete and replete with love, opportunity, and wonder. Conversely, if you fail to keep your Promise of Love, not only will you surely return to prison, but you run the real risk of ruining and terminating many of the supportive loving relationships of which you have been richly blessed!
Firstly, never forget for one moment that you, indeed, have truly been richly blessed...especially by God! God was the one who watched over you during your incarceration. He was the one who protected you from hurt, harm, and danger. God dried your tears, calmed your fears, assuaged your myriad insecurities, and gave you favor from the people whose benevolence you needed the most. God was there in your darkest moments of loneliness and doubt and demonstrated to you such unconditional love that you pledged to Him first, your Promise of Love. Of all the important relationships you possess in this life, treasure this one the most! NEVER take this one for granted because just as God granted you your freedom again, He can surely take it away! For was it not declared in the Bible that "the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom." So we urge you to be wise and keep your Promise of Love that you made to Him.
Secondly, keep your Promise of Love to your friends, family, and loved ones. They have suffered much from your incarceration. They have been deprived of your presence, your hugs, your kisses, your loving embraces, and financial support. Because of you, they have been locked into emotional prisons of their own. When the steel doors closed upon you, so did their sentence of pain and emotional confinement begin. They could have easily mitigated their own hurt by denouncing and renouncing you. And some probably did, but the ones who did not, were the ones who truly loved you. They knew that to continue to love you would subject them to much pain, hurt, emotional and financial sacrifice. But they did not shirk nor shrink from this onerous task because they truly loved you and true love is made perfect through self-sacrifice. Make sure you are worthy of their sacrifice. Keep your Promise of Love to them!

President Barack Obama's State of the Union address was informative, impartial, bipartisan, caring and demonstrated a genuine concern for the people who elected him to office and even those who didn't.There is no doubt in my mind that he is a man of integrity and is doing everything humanly possible to better the living conditions of all Americans. Imagine what we could do if instead of attacking him and hurling unfair accusations at him, we responded favorably by coming to his aid by using our gifts, talents, resources, and genius abilities to solve the problems that plague our great nation. Instead, we waste valuable time, millions of tax dollars and vital energy trying to demean him, to destroy his vision and one another through character assassination. Every elected official was sent to Washington, DC, not only to represent the will of the people but to ensure that government truly benefits the people; and this can only be accomplished by working together. When Jesus was maturing into manhood he said these inspiring words: "I must be about my Father's business (LK. 2:49)." Perhaps it is time that our Senators, Congressmen and Congresswomen be about the Father's business as well, by doing what is truly best for the people and not just what is politically profitable for their individual parties, influential lobbyists, and the ultra rich.
Terry Angel Mason, Global Author
(A Global Campaign to Save Lives!)
VIDEO LINK A MUST SEE!(The Raw Truth that Few Want to Hear)
Chief Federal Judge, Justice John Roll (63, who had served on the U.S. District Court for the District of Arizona since 1991) also in attendance, and a nine year-old child were also shot and killed along with four other unnamed victims, putting the death toll at six.
Twenty people in total were shot and six killed, leaving Senator Gabby Giffords and 13 others clinging to life by a thread while being cared for at nearby Arizona Hospitals.
When asked by Gabby's father who was rushing to his daughter's bedside, if his daughter Gabby had any enemies, he responded by saying, "Yes, the entire Tea Party!"

Click on the photo of David Kato to
Listen to the Audio Presentation
By Terry Angel Mason
Uganda, Uganda, My Heart Weeps for You!
Uganda, Uganda, my heart weeps for you! For you kill, murder, and imprison the innocent (those who express love differently) in the name of The Righteous One, but it is clear that you do not know Him!Like America, you label them pedophiles and child molesters, yet continue to close your eyes to the true heterosexual offenders, allowing them to continually rape your children and infect them with AIDS; men who foolishly believe that this will cure them from the pandemic.
It has been said that you freed yourself from the tyranny and oppression of a king (Mwanga) who was demented, greedy, self-serving and who defiled the people and if these things be true, then this is good! But you forgot that even though he was said to be corrupt and accused of raping the people both physically and emotionally for years, still we must judge each human being by their own conduct, character, and deeds, and not punish the innocent for another's sins.
Saturday, February 19, 2011
Uganda: LGBT Activist David Kato Murdered

A vicious immoral insanity has invaded Uganda like a biblical plague, and is now eating away at her soul and festering amongst her people like a virulent malignant disease. Moreover, this plague, if not stopped, excised and exorcised from Ugandan culture, will continue to incite more political oppression, more unjustified murders and more unwarranted and illegal imprisonments. This insanity that I refer to is extreme homophobia, which has been tragically and purposely imported into the country by Right wing Christian evangelical leaders, resulting in disastrous consequences for the people of Uganda. This intolerant mindset has been eagerly and cruelly embraced by Uganda government officials, who have now codified this extreme form of homophobic genocide into their very country's constitution.
Every disease, whether physical or spiritual is spread by a host or a carrier. Subsequently, after carefully researching the facts and events which led to this spiritual affliction and infection, we have determined the agents of this heartbreaking virus. Thusly, we name you Scott Lively, Caleb Lee Brundidge, Don Schmierer, Richard Cohen, Rev. Rick Warren and your protégé Dr. Martin Ssempa, as the primary carriers of this blighted philosophy. Moreover, we also name Republican Senator James Inhofe as a secondary enabling agents of this vicious strain of poisonous hatred. But the major blame for being the main delivery system and introducing this toxic madness to the governmental system of Uganda, we lay at the feet of David Bahati (architect of the Bill and Member of the Ugandan Parliament and also African point man of the Washington Right Wing cabal, known as "The Family").
What is amazing about you right wing "Religious leaders" from America is your hypocrisy and misguided egos. Moreover it is for good reason that I make the distinction of referring to you as "Religious" and not spiritual leaders because the word "Religious" denotes a fanatical devotion to doctrine and dogma which often results in zealous mindlessness and misguided actions, whereas, "Spiritual" connotes possessing an intimate relationship with the Creator, e.g.: The Holy Spirit, God, or Christ. Moreover, when we examine your historical actions, we observe no real spiritual fruit from your ministries, but instead poisonous and toxic offerings with which you have deceitfully and fraudulently passed off to the body of Christ as teachings of Christ. Consequently, for this apostasy, for this act of spiritual perversion, you have purposely sown the storm of religious fear and confusion with seeds of hatred and homophobia, and for that you shall surely reap the whirlwind of Divine Judgment!
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